Die Stuttgarter Zeitung berichtete am 20.5.2023 im Rahmen eines Interviews mit einem an der PH Freiburg lehrenden Akademischen Mitarbeiter
„Der Sunnitische Schulrat verweigert Ihnen die Lehrbefugnis. Sogar das US-Außenministerium kritisierte, dass ein liberaler Muslim so zum Schweigen gebracht werden soll. Sie klagen dagegen.“
Hierzu stellt die Stiftung Sunnitischer Schulrat richtig:
Die entsprechende Passage im „Report on International Religious Freedom “ für das Jahr 2021 des Office of International Religious Freedom lautet:
„In May, the Sunni School Council Foundation, which oversees Islamic religious education in Baden-Wuerttemberg public schools, rejected the teaching license of Abdel-Hakim Ourghi, head of the Islamic Theology department at the University of Education in Freiburg. While the foundation cited missing credentials as a reason for its decision, critics, including members of the Muslim community, academics, and politicians, accused it of trying to silence a prominent voice of a liberal interpretation of Islam. The Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs defended the decision, which could be appealed:“
Die entsprechende Passage im „Report on International Religious Freedom“ für das Jahr 2022 des Office of International Religious Freedom lautet:
„Media outlets reported that as of October, a dispute between Abdel-Hakim Ourghi, an instructor at the Freiburg University of Education, and the Sunni School Council Foundation, which oversees Islamic religious education in Baden-Wuerttemberg public schools on behalf of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, remained unresolved. In 2021, the foundation rejected Ourghi’s teaching license, citing missing credentials and the lack of an agreement with the foundation prior to his permanent employment, while Ourghi and media critics said the foundation opposed what they described as his more liberal interpretation of Islam. In July, Ourghi rejected the ministry’s compromise suggestion that would have allowed him to keep his current position, under the supervision of a professor who held the credentials required by the foundation. Ourghi, who continued to teach at the university but not in the area of Islamic religious pedagogy, said he would continue to pursue a remedy in the courts.“
Aus den Darstellungen ergibt sich nicht, dass „sogar das US-Außenministerium kritisierte, dass ein liberaler Muslim so zum Schweigen gebracht werden soll.“ Vielmehr wird lediglich objektiv der diesbezügliche Konflikt referiert.